Alton School


The Alton is part of the Quality First Education Trust, a primary multi academy trust (MAT). A MAT is a single entity which has responsibility for a number of schools. The Quality First Education Trust is ultimately accountable for the governance of our school. The Board of Trustees set the strategic direction of the Q1E Trust, hold senior leaders to account, and oversee financial performance. The Board then delegates some responsibilities to The Alton's Local Governing Body

You can read more about the Trust Board and our scheme of delegation, which sets out where responsibilities lie, on the Q1E Trust website.  


Our Local Governing Body (LGB)


The Alton's Local Governing Body includes parents (elected by the school's parent body), members of staff (elected by the school staff) and co-opted local governors (appointed by the local governing body and/or the Trustees, because they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school).

What the LGB does

The school is overseen by the Board of Trustees for the Quality First Education Trust. The board delegates some governance functions to the LGB, as outlined in our scheme of delegation, which can be found on the Trust website. The Alton's LGB works as a team of local governors to challenge, monitor and support the school, to make sure it provides a good quality education for its pupils. There are normally two full LGB meetings per term. 

In addition to attending meetings, local governors may take on a link or lead role for an aspect of the school. As part of this link role, they will undertake pre-arranged visits and/or work with members of staff to monitor particular aspects of provision, and report back to the LGB. 


Contacting the LGB

If you wish to contact the local governing body you can write to us, care of the School Office. Bring or send your letter to the school, marked for the attention of the Chair of the Local Governing Body. However, please be aware that concerns should be managed in accordance with the school concerns and complaints policy, which means that local governors will not act unilaterally and may refer issues back to the school.

Blessing Thomas (Co-opted local governor, Chair of LGB,)

First appointed: 23 March 2023. Current term of office: 23.03.2023 to 22.03.2027.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None

Lewis Halsey (Co-opted Local Governor)Article Image

First appointed: 10 December 2019. Current Term of Office 10.12.2023 - 09.12.2027
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None

In 2007 I started my career as an academic, at the University of Roehampton.

Moving close to my place of work, the Alton estate has been home since 2014. As a professor in the Department of Life Sciences, each day I support students during the final years of their state education, helping them develop their skills for entering the world of work.

It is an honour to also be supporting our community’s children who are just beginning their education at The Alton. I am well positioned to bring insights and innovation from the university sector to the school sector, and vice-versa, helping to continue the development of Roehampton’s fine institutions of learning for all age groups.

Jenny Yates (Co-opted Local Governor)Article Image

First appointed: 26 January 2022. Current term of office: 26.01.2022 to 25.01.2026.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Local councillor, Roehampton Ward, Wandsworth Council

I was delighted to be appointed as a Governor at The Alton School.  I have lived in Wandsworth for over 10 years and my children went to local schools.  I became a governor because I am passionately committed to supporting state education. Since joining the governors, I have really enjoyed learning about the school, meeting the children and teachers and helping at school events such as the Christmas fair. 

I grew up on Merseyside and went to state schools there.  Hardly anyone I went to school with went to university, as there was little encouragement, so most students felt it wasn’t for them.  I was lucky to go to Cambridge University, which was a wonderful opportunity, but I found it very difficult and challenging as I wasn’t used to that type of competitive environment.  I believe all young people should have a great education and be encouraged and supported to fulfil their aspirations.

After university I worked in international development, working in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Indonesia. I was elected as a Councillor for Roehampton Ward in May 2022 and sit on Wandsworth Council. I’m also the Chair of a homelessness charity called Groundswell that helps people in London experiencing homelessness access healthcare. 

Symone Planner (Local Parent Governor)Article Image

First appointed: 1st November 2019. Current term of office: 01.11.2019 to 01.11.2024.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None

I'm Symone, one of the parent governors at The Alton primary school, and I currently have a son at The Alton. Most people recognise me by my colourful eyebrows. I love photography, crafting and learning new things. I enjoy being surrounded by children. I have worked with children over many years, as a childminder, a teaching assistant and an SEN one-to-one. 

Lewis Burton (Staff Governor)

Article Image

First appointed: 30th September 2022. Current term of office: 30.09.2022 to 29.09.2026.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Employee of the school

I am the current Year 3 teacher at The Alton. I am a sports fanatic and love to get out in the fresh air as much as possible when I am not at school. 

I am originally from Reading but I went to university in Coventry and did my initial teacher training at a school in Canterbury before finding a very lovely home, surrounded by amazing teachers and governors here at The Alton.

I am very honoured and proud to be representing the teachers of this school and I am committed to helping in any way that I can. 

Governing Body Membership and Attendance at Meetings

Name Term of Office Date Stepped Down Appointed By  Declared Business Interests Meetings Attended
  05/07/23 08/11/23 24/01/24 13/03/24 10/07/24  
Claire Gilbert 20/05/20-19/05/24 08/11/23 Co-opted by the school Local Councillor  Apologies Apologies        
Geoff Morris 30/06/15-31/08/23 31/08/23 Co-opted by the school None Y          
Symone Planner 01/11/19-01/11/24  

Elected by Parents

None Y Y Y Y Y  
Jenny Yates 26/01/22-27/01/26   Co-opted by the school

Local Councillor 

Y Apologies Y Y Y  
Blessing Thomas  09/11/23-23/03/27   Co-opted by the school None Y Y Apologies Apologies Apologies  
Liz Stoyel 30/06/15-08/11/23 08/11/23 Co-opted by the school None Apologies Apologies        
Ellie McCormack 23/03/23-23/03/27 13/03/24 Co-opted by the school None Apologies Apologies Apologies      
Lewis Halsey 09/11/23-10/12/27   Co-opted by the school None Apologies Apologies Y Apologies Apologies  
Lewis Burton 30/09/22-30/09/26   Elected by School Staff  None Apologies Y Y Y Y  
Stacey Bates  29/05/23-28/05/27 31/08/23 Elected By Parents None Apologies          
Linsay Thomson 01/09/22   Head Teacher  None Y Y Y Y Y