Our Local Governing Body (LGB)
The Alton's Local Governing Body includes parents (elected by the school's parent body), members of staff (elected by the school staff) and co-opted local governors (appointed by the local governing body and/or the Trustees, because they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school).
What the LGB does
The school is overseen by the Board of Trustees for the Quality First Education Trust. The board delegates some governance functions to the LGB, as outlined in our scheme of delegation, which can be found on the Trust website. The Alton's LGB works as a team of local governors to challenge, monitor and support the school, to make sure it provides a good quality education for its pupils. There are normally two full LGB meetings per term.
In addition to attending meetings, local governors may take on a link or lead role for an aspect of the school. As part of this link role, they will undertake pre-arranged visits and/or work with members of staff to monitor particular aspects of provision, and report back to the LGB.
Contacting the LGB
If you wish to contact the local governing body you can write to us, care of the School Office. Bring or send your letter to the school, marked for the attention of the Chair of the Local Governing Body. However, please be aware that concerns should be managed in accordance with the school concerns and complaints policy, which means that local governors will not act unilaterally and may refer issues back to the school.