Welcome to our school
The Alton is a welcoming, inclusive community school, next to Richmond Park. We are passionate about children achieving their best and enjoying their learning, providing a safe and purposeful learning environment which nurtures and challenges all our children. We have one class in each year group with a teacher and teaching assistant in each class. The school also offers extensive outdoor play areas including a large field, and an excellent library.
The Alton was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted at its last inspection in October 2019 and you can read the full report here . The Inspector commented: “Pupils come to school happily.”, “Pupils behave well.”, “Pupils feel safe here.” and “Leaders and staff support every pupil to reach their full potential.”
As part of the Quality First Education Trust, we provide an enriched and engaging curriculum that is exciting, well-planned, and well-resourced to provide our children with the skills and knowledge they will need for their future success and to contribute to society. We help our children develop independent, life-long learning skills through our Excellent Learner scheme .
We are proud of our UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award , which is at the heart of all we do. Rights Respecting Learning teaches our children about their own rights but also makes them think about other people and how our actions or words affect them. We believe this is an important skill for children to succeed in life and be happy.
We are passionate about inclusive education. We are home to a SEND Resource Base provision called The Woodland Centre, which is for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with associated learning difficulties. You can find out more about our SEND Resource base and how to apply here.
We offer a Breakfast Club and a vast range of co-curricular activities and After-School Clubs to ensure our children receive a rounded education and to help parents and carers with wrap-around care. We also encourage our parents and carers to be actively involved in school life and are grateful for the support of the Friends of the Alton , our PTA.
We are immensely proud of our children and all their achievements. We hope that our website gives you a flavour of The Alton school and what we can offer your family. Please contact us if you have any queries or would like to take a tour. We would be happy to help.
Linsay Thomson