We welcome and value the views and opinions of parents about the development of our school. We understand the importance of having a strong parent-school relationship to have a positive impact on student’s learning.
We do this by:
- inviting parents to attend assemblies to celebrate children’s achievements.
- holding termly parent’s meetings to discuss students progress.
- holding open lessons each term for parents to come and see how the curriculum is being taught. We encourage parents to get involved with lessons and support their children with their learning.
- writing regular newsletters and sharing information with parents about homework tasks
- asking parents to complete a yearly questionnaire about the schools performance and development.
- inviting parents to become involved in the Friends of the Alton parent and teacher group.
- encouraging parents to put themselves forward for election to the local governing body. Please see the office staff if you would be interested in becoming a school governor
Parents can support us by getting involved in what their child is learning, reading our newsletters to follow what is going on at school, and using the language of Excellent Learners.
If you wish to give us a suggestion about how our school can be improved, you can do this by filling in the Parent suggestion form here, and email it to admin@thealton.wandsworth.sch.uk or handing it to the school office or by putting a note in the suggestion box in the school office.