Alton School

Reception Admissions

Welcome to The Alton Primary School


Thank you for visiting our website. The Alton Primary School is a vibrant and inclusive school at the centre of our local community, located just by Richmond Park. We were judged Ofsted 'Good' in November 2019 and are part of the Quality First Education Trust.


School Tours

A school tour is a great way to see our wonderful school and ask any questions you may have. We hold regular in-person school tours, usually on the first Tuesday of every month. 

If you would like to come on a tour, please email Mrs Gibbs on or call the school office on 020 8876 8482 and we will be happy to arrange this for you.

When to apply

Article ImageChildren start Reception in the academic year (September to August) that they have their 5th birthday. You should apply for a Reception place by mid-January of the year that your child starts Reception in September.

Applications for Reception places for September 2025 (for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021) through Wandsworth Council closed on Wednesday 15 January 2025. Parents/carers will be notified of their primary school place on Wednesday 16 April 2025. 

If you missed the deadline for September 2025 and are interested in a place at The Alton, you can still put in an application through Wandsworth Council. If a place is available, we will contact you to offer you a place. If there is not a place available, you will be added to the Waiting List.

We arrange for families to visit the school in the summer term before your child begins school, to meet other children and staff. We then visit all new Reception children at home before school starts in the autumn. This gives the child a positive way to meet their new teachers in their home environment. 


How to apply

Article ImageAll Reception Admissions are managed by Wandsworth Borough Council on our behalf. Please visit the Wandsworth website for more detailed information and to make an application. You can also contact them by email at or by telephone on 020 8871 7316.

Forms may be submitted online via the website, or by sending a paper application form, which can be downloaded here.

If you live outside of Wandsworth, you should apply through your home borough.

How applications are prioritised

On our Policies page, you can download The Alton Primary School admissions policy which gives details of the admissions prioritisation criteria.


Wandsworth Borough Council manages admissions appeals on behalf of our Trust. The appeals timetable can be found here

More information

If you have any queries, please contact the School Office on 020 8876 8482 or email and they will be happy to help.